Panorama in Polish Television TVP3 Lublin about my Exhibition in Manor of Lacherts
Thank you very much to the organizers, curator Ola Jarosz, and Mrs. Curator Bożena Warzyszak, my wife Ewa Podlodowska, the Solidarity Miners Foundation at LW Bogdanka - because they are the main sponsors of this event and also for their financial support for the exhibition. I would also like to express my gratitude to the County Prefect of Łęczyna for patronizing this event and for financing the exhibition, as well as to all the guests for such a numerous turnout! Apparently, there have never been so many people at previous events in this place! Many of you came from other provinces. Many artists from Lubelszczyzna appeared, as well as people close to me and those who represent my region. I'm also happy that I could talk about painting with my professors from the Art Department - Jacek Wojciechowski, Marek Mazanowski, and Zbigniew Bagiński. It was a great pleasure for me. I hope to be able to share some photos from the opening soon.
GEshibition last till 20.10.2023. open : Mon-Friday from 8:00 to 14:00, Sat-Sunday from 14:00 to 18:00.
You can watch the Panorama edition online at ( unfortunatelly only at territory of Poland) :